Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Crowdfunding: Revolutionizing the Investment Essay

In April 2012, President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act into legislation, (potentially) allowing small startup companies to gain investment from private individuals through crowdfunding. This case study explores the viability of crowdfunding as a means of investment, its advantages and disadvantages, its utilization thus far, and its potential success going forward. Features and benefits * MarketLine Case Studies describe topics such as innovative products, business models, and significant company acquisitions. * Fact-based and presented in an accessible style, they explain the rationale of commercial decisions and illustrate wider market and economic trends. Highlights In recent years, crowdfunding websites such as Kickstarter have seen a dramatic increase in activity as the trend has gained momentum. As a result, the number of crowdfunding platforms is on the rise, and such enterprises are beginning to see their business models change in accordance with the future direction of this burgeoning new industry. Advantages of crowdfunding include the fact that it offers a much larger pool of investors from which startups and entrepreneurs are able to raise capital. Additionally, crowdfunding lessens the risk of bringing a new product to market, and enables startups to benefit from large-scale brand and product exposure. Crowdfunding ventures, such as the Pebble Watch, which launched on Kickstarter, have shown the potential rewards of a successful crowdfunding campaign, although this example also serves to exemplify the drawbacks of such a means of raising capital. Your key questions answered * What are the potential implications of the JOBS Act? * What are the advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding initiatives? * How successful have crowdfunding initiatives been thus far? * What impact is crowdfunding likely to have on the traditional investment landscape

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2nd Generation Reforms Essay

Economic Reforms in India since 1991 India was a latecomer to economic reforms, embarking on the process in earnest only in 1991, in the wake of an exceptionally severe balance of payments crisis. The need for a policy shift had become evident much earlier, as many countries in East Asia achieved high growth and poverty reduction through policies which emphasized greater export orientation and encouragement of the private sector. India took some steps in this direction in the 1980s, but it was not until 1991 that the government signaled a systemic shift to a more open economy with greater reliance upon market forces, a larger role for the private sector including foreign investment, and a restructuring of the role of government. In 1980s growth was unsustainable, fuelled by a buildup of external debt which culminated in the crisis of 1991. In sharp contrast, growth in the 1990s was accompanied by remarkable external stability despite the East Asian crisis. Poverty also declined significantly in the post-reform period, and at a faster rate than in the 1980s according to some studies. In the following paper, five major areas are covered by the reform program: fiscal deficit reduction, industrial and trade policy, agricultural policy, infrastructure development and social sector development. Savings, Investment and Fiscal Discipline Fiscal profligacy was seen to have caused the balance of payments crisis in 1991 and a reduction in the fiscal deficit was therefore an urgent priority at the start of the reforms. The combined fiscal deficit of the central and state governments was successfully reduced from 9. 4 percent of GDP in 1990-91 to 7 percent in both 1991-92 and 1992-93 and the balance of payments crisis was over by 1993. The fiscal failures of both the central and the state governments have squeezed the capacity of both the center and the states to undertake essential public investment. High levels of government borrowing have also crowded out private investment. Unless this problem is addressed, the potential benefits from reforms in other areas will be eroded and it may be difficult even to maintain the average growth rate of 6 percent experienced in the first ten years after the reforms, let alone accelerate to 8 percent. Reforms in Industrial and Trade Policy Reforms in industrial and trade policy were a central focus of much of India’s reform effort in the early stages. Industrial policy prior to the reforms was characterized by multiple controls over private investment which limited the areas in which private investors were allowed to operate, and often also determined the scale of operations, the location of new investment, and even the technology to be used. The industrial structure that evolved under this regime was highly inefficient and needed to be supported by a highly protective trade policy, often providing tailor-made protection to each sector of industry. The costs imposed by these policies had been extensively studied (for example, Bhagwati and Desai, 1965; Bhagwati and Srinivasan, 1971; Ahluwalia, 1985) and by 1991 a broad consensus had emerged on the need for greater liberalization and openness. A great deal has been achieved at the end of ten years of gradualist reforms. Industrial Policy Industrial policy has seen the greatest change, with most central government industrial controls being dismantled. The list of industries reserved solely for the public sector — which used to cover 18 industries has been drastically reduced to three: defense aircrafts and warships, atomic energy generation, and railway transport. Industrial licensing by the central government has been almost abolished except for a few hazardous and environmentally sensitive industries. The requirement that investments by large industrial houses needed a separate clearance under the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act to discourage the concentration of economic power was abolished and the act itself is to be replaced by a new competition law which will attempt to regulate anticompetitive behavior in other ways. Industrial liberalization by the central government needs to be accompanied by supporting action by state governments. Private investors require many permissions from state governments to start operations, like connections to electricity and water supply and environmental clearances. They must also interact with the state bureaucracy in the course of day-to-day operations because of laws governing pollution, sanitation, workers’ welfare and safety, and such. A recently completed joint study by the World Bank and the Confederation of Indian Industry (Stern, 2001) found that the investment climate varies widely across states and these ifferences are reflected in a disproportional share of investment, especially foreign investment, being concentrated in what are seen as the more investor-friendly states(Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) to the disadvantage of other states (like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal). Investors perceived a 30 percent cost advantage in some states over others, on account of the availability of infrastructure and the quality of governanc e. These differences across states have led to an increase in the variation in state growth rates, with some of the less favored states actually decelerating compared to the 1980s (Ahluwalia, 2002). Because liberalization has created a more competitive environment, the pay off from pursuing good policies has increased, thereby increasing the importance of state level action. Infrastructure deficiencies will take time and resources to remove but deficiencies in governance could be handled more quickly with sufficient political will. Trade Policy Trade policy reform has also made progress, though the pace has been slower than in industrial liberalization. Before the reforms, trade policy was characterized by high tariffs and pervasive import restrictions. Imports of manufactured consumer goods were completely banned. For capital goods, raw materials and intermediates, certain lists of goods were freely importable, but for most items where domestic substitutes were being produced, imports were only possible with import licenses. The criteria for issue of licenses were nontransparent, delays were endemic and corruption unavoidable. The economic reforms sought to phase out import licensing and also to reduce import duties. Import licensing was abolished relatively early for capital goods and intermediates which became freely importable in 1993, simultaneously with the switch to a flexible exchange rate regime. Import licensing had been traditionally defended on the grounds that it was necessary to manage the balance of payments, but the shift to a flexible exchange rate enabled the government to argue that any balance of payments impact would be effectively dealt with through exchange rate flexibility. Removing quantitative restrictions on imports of capital goods and intermediates was relatively easy, because the number of domestic producers was small and Indian industry welcomed the move as making it more competitive. It was much more difficult in the case of final consumer goods because the number of domestic producers affected was very large (partly because much of the consumer goods industry had been reserved for small scale production). Quantitative restrictions on imports of manufactured consumer goods and agricultural products were finally removed on April 1, 2001, almost exactly ten years after the reforms began, and that in part because of a ruling by a World Trade Organization dispute panel on a complaint brought by the United States. Progress in reducing tariff protection, the second element in the trade strategy, has been even slower and not always steady. As shown in Table 3, the weighted average import duty rate declined from the very high level of 72.percent in 1991-92 to 24. 6 percent in 1996-97. However, the average tariff rate then increased by more than 10 percentage points in the next four years. In February 2002, the government signaled a return to reducing tariff protection. The peak duty rate was reduced to 30 percent, a number of duty rates at the higher end of the existing structure were lowered, while many low end duties were raised to 5 percent. The net result is that the weighted average duty rate is 29 percent in 2002-03. Although India’s tariff levels are significantly lower than in 1991, they remain among the highest in the developing world because most other developing countries have also reduced tariffs in this period. The weighted average import duty in China and southeast Asia is currently about half the Indian level. The government has announced that average tariffs will be reduced to around 15 percent by 2004, but even if this is implemented, tariffs in India will be much higher than in China which has committed to reduce weighted average duties to about 9 percent by 2005 as a condition for admission to the World Trade Organization.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Brand Loyalty - Thesis Proposal Essay Example for Free

Brand Loyalty – Thesis Proposal Essay Loyalty (12) , interesting proposal (5) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints The current financial crisis has spread around the world and no consumer has stayed untouched. In economic downturns, consumers are trying to better manage their expenses due to uncertainty for the future. In such cases, their brand loyalty might be shaken. Especially for UK consumers, whose purchasing power is lower than the other nations, the situation in the beginning of 2010 seems to be much more difficult. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the current recession on UK consumers’ brand loyalty. A quantitative method will be employed and the empirical data will be collected through questionnaire survey with a sample of fifty UK consumers from the area of Thessaloniki. The questionnaire survey will be distributed to different people regardless of age and demographic characteristics, backgrounds and attitudes. The results of the study will aim to show that not all consumers’ brand loyalty has been shaken the same by the recession but some types of consumers were more affected compared to others. Furthermore, the research will aim to indicate that brand loyalty varies over products so some product and service categories lost a big part of their market share. The findings might be interesting and useful to several companies that would like to be aware both of the profiles of the customers that are more likely to switch to cheaper brands and the products that will easily lose a part of their market share during a recession so that can formulate the appropriate marketing strategy. In the highlighted part right the name of the area where it will be easier for to distribute fifty surveys and get them back. What Influences brand loyalty towards cigarette brands in the UK market? Brand loyalty has been a one of the biggest issues in the world of marketing over the last years. The two topics of brand loyalty and cigarette smoking have rarely been linked. A possible reason for this is that researchers might feel that it is in some way unethical to provide managerial suggestions for tobacco producers. The aim of this study is to clarify that matter and get knowledge about which product-related, psychographic, health-related and demographic factors influence the brand loyalty among smokers and to what extent. By examining brand loyalty towards cigarette brands, those factors which in fact decrease brand loyalty can be identified. In the literature review, the necessary background will be referenced to answer the research questions. The research will be conducted on a quantitative basis. The main research method used will be questionnaire survey. It is the researcher’s belief that this study will provide new and interesting perspective on the topic of brand loyalty, as well as the researcher hopes that the results will be beneficial for social marketers in their fight against cigarette smoking. What effect does sponsorship have on brand loyalty: A case study of Vodafone customers An increasingly larger marketing budget is allocated to sponsoring in companies. This has triggered the attention of the academics to research what the exact effects of sponsorship on a sponsoring brand are. This study fills a gap in the sponsorship literature by focusing on both current customers and looking at sponsorship from both negative and positive perspective. It researches what the effects of sponsorship are on brand loyalty for current customers concerning a sponsored party. Prior literature on both sponsorship and brand loyalty is explored to establish a sound theoretical reference. The review will demonstrate that negative and positive incidences as the context has a negative and positive effect respectively on attitude change toward the sponsored party, which in turn influences change in brand loyalty. The established theoretical reference is tested by means on a questionnaire survey. The sample will consist of Vodafone customers, which are tested on the change in attitudes toward the sponsored team (McLaren-Mercedes Formula 1 team for Vodafone) and on the change in attitudes and behavior toward the sponsoring brand. Brand Loyalty – Thesis Proposal. (2017, Jan 22). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Argument Analysis Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument Analysis Assignment - Essay Example Jones argues that violent media is good for kids because its juvenile and violent qualities are appropriate to children’s need for identification, which will help them deal with their personal fears and anxieties and develop confident identities. The author uses ethos and pathos to successfully convince his audience that violent media is not entirely bad for children, but the strength of his claims weaken due to the fallacies of biased sample and confusing cause and effect. Jones utilizes ethos effectively because his own childhood and professional experiences demonstrate how violent media helps children cope with their unique challenges and aspirations. He begins his article with his childhood dilemma: â€Å"At 13 I was alone and afraid† (Jones par.1). This hook represents his identification with current children, for they too, being small and helpless, tend to be alone and afraid. He establishes that he knows what it feels to be young and to need something strong to hold on to. In addition, Jones narrates how the Incredible Hulk helped him cope with his childhood fears and insecurities. He stresses the Hulk’s role in his childhood life: â€Å"I had a fantasy self who was a self: unafraid of his desires and t he worlds disapproval, unhesitating and effective in action. ‘Puny boy follow Hulk!’ roared my fantasy self, and I followed† (par.4). Jones highlights that because of Hulk, he develops a stronger persona, a child who is more confident in facing the world’s uncertainties. Aside from personal childhood experiences, Jones effectively uses his professional work to underscore that violent media can help kids explore and develop their identities. He mentions his work with urban youth: â€Å"[With a psychologist, he] developed Power Play, a program for helping young people improve their self-knowledge and sense of potency through heroic, combative storytelling† (par.10). His work with the children indicates that he

Global Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global Challenges - Essay Example he last two decades or so and one can see roads being built, businesses getting their offshore hubs within the South Asian country and new organizations opening their offices every now and then, which at the end of the day has really boosted the economic developments within India. Piracy of intellectual property has remained a problem as far as the economic and political ranks are concerned and when the same is compared with the US regimes, one understands that the US authorities have taken giant and firm strides to counter the threat that poses them in the related regards. Considering the case of another nation, Pakistan for instance, the same might not be true when it comes to proper planning and implementation of policies which would plug the gaps as far as piracy of intellectual property is linked. There would be inadequate working methodologies in place and no such genuine force to combat the force that comes from the pirate institutions that are on rampage whilst coming up with their respective products on a day to day basis, thus ruining the economic and political domains present within the country. The seriousness of this issue could be gauged from the fact that US is taking all the corrective measures in order to fill the gap which has been left with the other nations all over the world while the remaining countries have a lot of catching up to do as far as this notion is concerned. Indian economy has not only benefited from the outsourcing regimes but also the US, Japan and European economies with the passage of time. The availability of cheap labor and the required resources within the Indian nation make it a viable option for the US business entrepreneurs and thus they invest heavily within this nation. It means that the manufacturing and economic developments within India are direct proportional with the US developments and thus the returns are manifolds and are shared across a number of different countries, regions and areas for that matter. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 80

Case Study Example To determine the effectiveness of the partnership, customers need to be involved in the process. The research should be conducted to find out how the customers receive this new partnership. The research should look into how the changes in service delivery have been received by the customers. For example with, the partnership the airline will only be making one stop instead of two across Europe. This should also be looked at in terms of operational cost effectiveness. If the partnership is effective in terms of operational costs incurred by Qantas, then it should be sustained to help in bringing back Qantas to international profitability. The research should also include the dynamics involved in the aircraft operations industry. With a good service delivery as a result of this partnership, the Qantas Company can get back to international profit making. The most important thing is that if the customers accept the new services, they will purchase and recommend them to their friends (Gun n,

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

International Business Law - Essay Example Most of these laws are based on international treaties and conventions, bilateral trade agreements, bilateral tax agreements, international financial and crimes statues, various forms of economic integration, among others. It is worth noting that most of these laws are geared towards protecting investors, residents of investee countries and relevant governments from fraud, exploitations and other malpractices that can stem from illegal operations. Most laws controlling international business deal with taxation, money laundering, employee rights, the process and system of justice, competition, among others (Goode & McKendrick ,2007). International law may be defined as the body of rules that nations or states recognize as binding upon one another in their mutual relations in areas of investment trade and services. In this area some of the Sources of international law are customs, treaties, and general principles of law, resolutions and declarations of international organizations, doctrines of equity and writings of judges together with legal scholars.A company that wishes to begin operation in Germany can choose between three different legal forms under company which are ; the formation of a permanent establishment or the formation of an independent branch establishment, the formation of a German partnership and the formation of a corporation as the Ultra Educational Software Ltd.’s subsidiary. It is also possible when studying the recent rulings of the European Court of Justice for a company to use corporations from other European Member States with a good example of the English Limited Company which is very popular. It is said that more than 30,000 Limited Companies exist in the republic of Germany. Definitely may be will be exposing itself to a number of legal risks as it embarks on exporting chocolate to Germany. First of all, the company shall

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Job Interview Presentation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Interview Presentation - Assignment Example Kienbaum Sport Centre draws some revenue from funding by the German government. The trainees who seek the services from the facility also have to pay some money to pay for the training program. The facility is located in a place where schools and institutions such as churches and civic and social clubs are not a common place since it is some way far from Berlin. Therefore, the possibility that students and such other interested groups attend the facility is low, though sometimes they are allowed to visit. The facility contains have many equipment and facilities for sports such as judo and weight lifting. There are showers as well as cafà © tables, locker rooms and well managed reception area. They have a medical examination rooms where practicing people can access medical care. All the areas of different sports are of high quality and are being upgraded. The facility is also well staffed and the staff members are well trained to dispense their duties in the most professional way possible. The services provided are of exceptional quality owing to the expertise of their staff members. Outside the facility, there is high quality and ample parking area for the visitors who may visit in cars, the parking space is well maintained and well tarmacked giving a positive show of the facility. There is also a parking attendant who directs visitors on where to park their cars. The facility has a very good impression. From the outside, it is well furnished and attractive to the eye. From the inside, the compound is conspicuously clean and the amenities provided in the facility are high end. The facility has a well maintained environment which gives one a sense of enjoyment. The staff at the reception is friendly which reflects on the nature of all the other staff. All these create a very positive impression of the sports facility as a whole. The experience at the facility has

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Crop Insurance Proposal Could Cost U.S. Billions PowerPoint Presentation

Crop Insurance Proposal Could Cost U.S. Billions - PowerPoint Presentation Example Yet other farmers reflect that they should produce enough crop that is actually capable of supporting subsides since the crop market thrives because of subsidies itself. In order to compete in the international arena, the plains of Dakota and Montana are slowly being converted to crop fields while they once were the abode of birds. There is a gigantic increase in the prices of the land while the grasslands are being transformed to fields. The real estate business is thriving leaps and bounds, since, everyone is eager to purchase the land for farming. Farmers are guaranteed a profit even though the land is not so fertile and there is a definite risk of loss. It is also true that the government shows neutral approaches regarding taking the risk while the farmers prefer to be risk averse (Dinar 1994).According to a Government Accountability Office, the costs of the crop insurance programme have augmented since the raise in the value of the crops. Despite the cost issues attached to the insurance programme, it is still widely appreciated by the masses of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Age Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building Case Study

Age Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building - Case Study Example Jack Gross decided to sue the company in an effort to prove that it was age discrimination acting as the rationale for why he had been shifted in the company and his job responsibilities slowly taken away and given to younger staff members. The courts found enough evidence to favor the position of Jack Gross, however, FBL appealed the decision, taking it to a higher court. Eventually, the case reached the Supreme Court who upheld the decisions of the lower courts, deciding that there was ample evidence available that discrimination was the cause of his career status position change. Gross was awarded damages as identified by the ADEA, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. This act provides compensatory damages when discrimination is found to have been the deciding factor for making improper age-related decisions in the workplace. The include damages that are determined equal to the level of humiliation, injury, pain, and suffering, or professional reputation damage that has occurred (, 2010). Then Justice C. Thomas of the Supreme Court identified as the final appeal was considered, â€Å"under the ADEA the plaintiff retains the burden of persuasion to establish that age was the ‘but-for cause of the employer's adverse action† (, 2009, p.2). Because of the nature of how his position had been shifted and mismanaged, there was enough evidence and/or testimony to make the court system believe that Gross had been deliberately targeted for age discrimination and it was the aforementioned but-for cause of his shifts within the company. Under the ADEA, and in the case of Mr. Gross, he may have been awarded compensation in the form of back pay, which is another provision for damages available when all of the criteria have been met for proving the but-for reasoning (

Government Current Event Essay Example for Free

Government Current Event Essay Being one of the future teachers of Texas, it is important for teachers/students as well as parent to understand what their children are learning in school. It is most especially important for the parents to participate with their children at home. But at the same time all states shouldn’t be the same when it comes to a lot of things, one of them being education. The Common Core Learning Standards/Common Core approach sets ambitious goals for math, reading and writing skills as children move through school. The Common Core has already been adapted to 45 states; Alaska, Texas, Nebraska, Virginia, and Minnesota are not included. This means that these 45 states are now spending a ton of money on new books, new teachers/staff/principals, and some are implementing intense trainings for current staff. Both teachers and staff are going through the pressure of having to be constantly watched and monitored to make sure they are meeting the scores, otherwise they will get fired. In chapter 3 of The Struggle for Democracy, federalism is the division and sharing of powers between the federal and state government. The topic of Common Core and how it’s getting implemented to the school is a state government issue. But having put more thought into the issue, this is actually in some way a federal government issue. Yes the state government votes â€Å"for the people† on whether certain states should even implement the program, but the federal government is the one that will be funding the actual program. Which is a perfect example of what it talks about in our reading of Chapter 3 in The Struggle for Democracy of how the U.S government is a central government; we share powers between the federal/states government. The Common Core issue must be settled with not only the states government but also the federal government. This is an important topic because, as a future teacher and a future mother, in some way it relates to all everyone. Our education and how it’s funded is so poor right now because the people just aren’t informed. We must get informed in order to get educated. I do believe in the quote â€Å"The children of today are the people of tomorrow.†

Monday, July 22, 2019

City Of Manila.Background of a Smart Designed City Essay Example for Free

City Of Manila.Background of a Smart Designed City Essay The City of Manila has a population of 1.7 million people and is considered as one of the most polluted cities in the world with notorious traffic congestions. The city of Adelaide is on the other hand one of the most liveable cities in the world, with a population of 1.2 million and practically no traffic jams at all. This paper compares these two cities in order to establish what manila can learn from Adelaide. The City of Manila is a relatively small city with a population of about 1. 7 million people and an area of around 40 square kilometres. The city can thus be categorized amongst the overpopulated cities of the world (Townsend, 2013). Consequently, Manila has a very high level of pollution and other challenges including traffic and poor drainage system that makes the sanitation very problematic. Background of a Smart Designed City Adelaide is a south Australian city with a population that is close to that of Manila at 1.3 million people. Initially, this city suffered from high levels of pollution owing to its large population and the energy sources being used across the city. First, the transport means today are highly effective reducing the traffic jams by 100% and the city is now considered as a ‘twenty minute city’ owing to the ability to move from one place to another easily (Fajardo, 2011). The reduced traffic jams translate to reduced gas emissions, as do the number of trees planted around schools, churches, parks, reserves, coastlines and transport corridors. These trees have managed to reduce the carbon emissions getting into the atmosphere thus making the city even cleaner. The city is planned very effectively in such a way that the transport systems are effective and diverse comprising of a South Eastern Freeway, Southern Express Way, the Port River Expressway and the Northern Expressway . This arrangement allows for effective transport across the metropolitan area thus making the city accessible without unnecessary congestions. The roads are also mostly very wide with multiple lanes to accommodate the growing number of vehicles in the city. The city has also cut down its use of fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy with a great inclination on solar energy. They have undertaken numerous campaigns to encourage the citizens to install solar panels on their rooftops, with over 200 schools having to depend on this clean energy for their power needs. As such, the city is slowly turning to solar energy to sustain its energy needs (Henderson, 2002). From its initial planning in the days of the first settlers, the city was designed to have two green rings around the city square thus implementing the green city initiative right from its birth. As a result, they have over 3 million trees within the city and a few parks and squares with a lot of trees as well. The green belt here is so extensive that it is rumoured that one can actually feel the fresh air in the city especially if they are from another part of the country or the world. These trees play a big role in keeping the city free of pollution as they mitigate from the effects of the unavoidable carbon emissions. Suggestions for Future Development and Lose Cost Estimates In order to reach up to Adelaide’s standards, the city of Milan has to undergo a number of transformations within its layout. First, the city’s roads must be reconstructed to accommodate the traffic and reduce the traffic jams. This may cost as much as $100 billion seeing as there is a need for a complete overhaul in the city’s transport system. For efficiency, subways may also be found necessary especially seeing as Manila is in a developing country and thus the urban population is likely to keep growing. The green technology in terms of shifting to solar power as a main source of energy must also be considered seeing as the country currently depends on fossil fuels for their energy. This shift should cost the government about $20 million in equipment and education programs about how to use them as well as their maintenance (Townsend, 2013). In doing this, the city will have cut down on pollution seeing as the dependence on fossil fuels is by far the most hazardous human tendency. As for planting trees and creating a green city, it should be noted that the best trees in Manila can be sourced locally and should thus be relatively cheap. The challenge however would be the sensitization of the masses in order to gain their support and cooperation for maintenance of the trees. It can thus be estimated that the local government will need about $5 million for this project and with the cooperation of the citizens and the private sector the city should qualify for a smart city categorization within approximately 30 years from the implementation date (Townsend, 2013). For this to happen however, the city’s administration will have to obtain the support and cooperation of the general public and the private sector. References Fajardo, B.K. (2011). Filipino crosscurrents. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, MN. Henderson, V. (2002). Urbanization in developing countries. The World Bank Research Observer, 17(1), 89-112. Townsend, M.A. (2013). Smart cities: big data, civic hackers, and the quest for a new utopia. New York, NY: W. W. Norton Company. Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Food Choices And Meal Patterns In India Media Essay

Food Choices And Meal Patterns In India Media Essay The chapter will present the findings, in the form of themes and categories, which was seen from the analysis of the interviews with the participants. The themes are recurring instances of responses occurring across all the interviews and which are important and relevant to the research. The themes were carefully organized into over-arching relevant categories. The themes have also been separately discussed as sub-themes, which were based on the responses of the participants and listed in their own voice, so as to enable a better understanding of their thoughts, knowledge and responsiveness. Category I: Changes in Food choices and Meal patterns The themes and sub-themes talk about the changes in food choices and meal patterns that took place amongst the Indian students in Leeds Metropolitan University and understanding what it meant to them. Theme 1: Food choices and Meal patterns in India Sub-theme A: I had more different a type of Indian food earlier at home than it is here. Yes, there is quite a bit of difference in the type of food that I have here and that I am used to having in India. I donot get the traditional foods that I liked a lot but once in a while I do get Indian food here as well, which is as close to home that I can get. The consumption of food showed a great degree of variation from different regions of the country. They were also dependent on the types of sides that were eaten with the meals. Also, the fact that most of the students reported that, irrespective of where they came from in India, the choices available for them regarding traditional food, were more than they get here. I had rice for all the meals. Thats what people do there. Bread is not that common, may be occasionally, however the most common was rice, which we could have with any side. It was seen that rice was considered as not only the staple ingredient but also something that they could have with most of the side dishes. Due to certain religious beliefs that they grew up in, there was apparent absence of meat and meat products in the responses of some participants. My family had always eaten wheat for atleast one meal of the day. I guess it may be because of the fact that we lived in the North of the country and also that it was cheaper and easily available. The consumption of wheat by these participants was because it was less costly and also that it was easily available in the region. Also, wheat formed the dietary resemblance to the cultural associations of that region. Also, amongst the meat and meat products, chicken was seen as the acceptable option, even during the religious and cultural gatherings. The Indian diet consisted of heavily spiced dishes ranging from vegetables, meat or fish. Sub-theme B: We ate more regular meals and had a balanced diet All the participants said that they had a more regular meal pattern with 2-3 meals in a day and most of it was home cooked. They also brought up the idea of a proper meal, wherein they had food that was specific with that meal of the day. Before I came here, I used to have proper three meals in a day, but here I may only end up having two meals in a day. Also, here the meals are not balanced and quite irregular. The participants felt that the meals they have here were not similar to the ones they were used to having back home. The participants said they were used to having lavish and complete meals, which consisted of variety of dishes. I had a very good eating habit at home. I had a set meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with occasional snacks in between them. Eating regularly, as I used to before is the key to keeping healthy. All the participants talked about the importance of having traditional meals atleast twice or thrice a day. They felt that the breakfast was one of the important meals of the day and that it results in healthy eating habit. It was also seen that they found proper afternoon snack and a filling dinner was healthy, with long term health benefits. Sub-theme C: When we were back home, we never used to eat out often, even though it was fun to eat out. I used to eat at home for most of the times in a week. May be once or twice, I would go out with my friends for dinner bit then that was also not that frequent. The participants talked about the fact that most of the times they preferred to eat at home and did not want to spend money or get worried about the quality and hygiene related with the food. Also, they felt that eating away from would mean going against the normal home cooked food. Also, they perceived junk food as something that was not a part of the meal and not to be healthy, even though it presents itself as an important aspect if the Indian culture and religious festivities. Theme 2: Food choices and Meal patterns in United Kingdom Sub-theme A: Foods that I eat here are very different from what I am used to. The participants showed signs of change in their eating habits after moving to Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. The participants said that they found it difficult to have breakfast, as they were used to back home and even if they did, it was more of ready to eat foods like cereals. There were less consumption of traditional Indian food items and more consumption of canned food items, fruit juice, cheese, snacks like sweets and chips. The meals usually consisted of food from other ethnic origins as well like Mexican, Continental, Italian, which were eaten at local restaurants in Leeds. The participants said that they had to plan towards their meals here and they felt that it was difficult to retain their traditional food habits because of the time constraints faced by the students. I have to plan my own meals here. But at home, it was my mom. My meals here are not consistent. I donot have time to cook the things that I am used to eat back home, as most of the traditional dishes require planning, energy and time, which is difficult here. So I eat whatever is easy to cook and less time consuming. The participants also said that, though most of the time they have non-traditional food, however during the weekend or holidays, they try to stick to traditional Indian food. They felt that for them Indian food enabled them to maintain their cultural associations. Sub-theme B: My eating habit is very irregular here. Most of the participants said that their eating patterns were irregular after they came to the United Kingdom. Most of them said that they never or rarely had time to have breakfast. They could only have a proper meal for dinner, wherein they could cook traditional Indian food for themselves. My food habits have changed after coming here. I skip meals as I donot get the time and energy to cook for me. Most of the times I am at the university and I eat whatever I get at that point of time. However, for dinner, I try to cook some traditional Indian food. It makes a difference to have dinner as a complete meal. The analysis of the responses shows that the participants had an irregular food pattern, which was mainly due to the pressures of the new life here and the lack of time to plan and prepare a complete meal. Also, it was reported that they found the local food not to their liking all the time and hence it resulted in skipping entire meals. Sub-theme C: I eat out a lot here, more than I used to in India. Here, I tend to eat out with my friends most of the times. Even when I am in the university, I would go to the vending machine and pick up something to eat. I also eat many snacks here like sweets, chips. It is even more than I used to at home. The participants talked about their habit of snacking of food items like sweets, chips etc as it was easily available to them and also that they cost-low. The inability by them to invest time towards cooking for themselves and at times resulting in them completely skipping or replacing their meals with snacks or fast-food options. The participants also perceived that the snacks they had in India were low in fat content and hence better than the ones here. I donot have time to go home and cook an Indian meal for myself. I usually gout to eat or do some takeaway. It is all about convenience for me and usually I donot have an alternative. The participants said that for them eating out or at restaurants in India were considered a luxury, however here they feel it as imperative because of its convenience and easy availability as compared to the traditional meals. They felt that a healthy Indian meal is one that would have less cream, oil and cooked at home. However, even though the participants were not extremely interested in eating non-traditional food, but also felt that there were wide range of options available here, something that they did not find easily in India. Category II: Factors affecting Food habits Theme 3: Food habits and perceptions regarding Food habits Sub-theme A: I wish I cooked at home so that I knew how to cook. There were interesting perceptions that were reported by the participants towards knowledge and cooking skills. Most of the women participants said that they did most of the cooking at home however; they found the same difficult here as they had busy schedules with lectures, university. Whereas, the men were unanimous in their response; they found cooking a meal difficult without any previous knowledge. I never took interest in cooking. I did not have to worry about how much to make and if it is healthy or not. After coming here, I tried to cook but it was not easy. Most of the times I would make something that is easy like ready to eat or frozen food. The differences in responses could be due to the traditional beliefs that are related to the role that a man and a women play in the Indian society. In most cases, the Indian meals were mostly enjoyed in the local Indian restaurant. The male participants talk about their lack of skills to prepare Indian meals that makes it difficult for them to have a traditional diet. Also, the female participants, even though most of them said that they had the required skills to cook, showed preference to non-traditional food habits, due to the lack of time needed to cook Indian meals as well as the limited availability of ingredients required to make a traditional meal. My eating habits have changed a lot here. I donot eat traditional Indian food anymore and at times I donot even cook. However, I feel if I knew how to cook, it would have helped. Sub-theme B: I find the food here very different from what I am used to. All the participants said that they found the food here as convenient food due to its easy availability and ease to prepare. However, they thought that these food were not important to be considered as a complete meal, as most of them were artificially prepared with preservatives in them. Some of the participants said, contrary to the general opinion, that they found the non-traditional food healthier than the ones they used to have at home in India. Even though I have eaten Indian food throughout my life, I find the options here like the sandwiches, soups, salads as healthier than the Indian counterparts. I find them to be light and fresh. I cook Indian food at times, but they are time consuming and tend to be oily and greasy, especially if I am going to a restaurant. But the non-traditional foods tend to be more nutritious because they are prepared in ways to preserve their nutritive value, with less oil and cream. The participants also described the opportunity staying away from home as a way to be more experimental in their food habits, breaking away from the traditional diet to try something new. I have always had Indian food. The fact that now I can actually try new things and to be adventurous with my food habits is a nice feeling. At times, I will make pasta, sandwich or Mexican and they taste good too. Sub-theme C: I find it difficult to always have a traditional diet here. Many students talked about factors that affected their traditional way of eating. One such was that of financial considerations, which greatly influenced food and eating habits during their stay in the United Kingdom. They found that the local food to be more reasonable as compared to the traditional Indian food. I donot spend much on food, tend to eat whatever is cheaper. I never ate beef in India, would never think about it, however after coming here, I got to know that it is difficult to always live by traditions. I decided to accept the change rather making it a problem. The participants described their accepting the change in their food habits as a way to be accustomed and accepted by the new culture here. Also, some of the participants talked about their exposure to the Western diet in India, which had played an important role towards them accepting the change in food habits that happened here. Sub-theme D: My diet has changed considerably with time that I am here. Certain participants said that the duration that they have been in the United Kingdom have resulted in changes to their dietary habits. For them, they felt that a reason to come here was the freedom of making choices regarding their eating habits, wherein they ate out often, which they felt as an enjoyable experience. I think my diet is more or less the same here but then it is not definitely the way it was in India. I live alone and hence to eat what is easier and faster to cook.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin¹ Bob Dylan :: Essays Papers

Bob Dylan: The Freewheelin ¹ Bob Dylan When I was growing up, Bob Dylan was more of a name on paper to me than a person. I knew Peter, Paul & Mary's covers of his songs better than I knew his. My parents listen to a lot of folk music--Peter, Paul and Mary, Simon and Garfunkel, the Weavers, Pete Seeger, Woody and Arlo Guthrie--but somehow Bob Dylan never entered the mix. Even after it somehow filtered into my consciousness that he'd written these songs I'd known all my life, that he was a performer, he remained mysterious. Photographs always seem to show him looking down, away from the camera, an expression of brooding concentration fixed on his face. When I heard the original versions of the songs I knew, like "Blowin' In the Wind," I liked the covers better. I liked the melody and harmony. Dylan's vocal style was a little too slipshod. It wasn't quite talking but it wasn't quite singing, he slurred his words and ended lines before it felt like they were done, and his timing was off. But it's that ambiguity--clear as spli t pea soup, as they say--that keeps drawing me back. Like the lines that end early, leaving you with the sense that the important part was left unsaid, more is implied by Dylan than said straight out. I keep going back, wanting to hear more, hoping that maybe this time he'll finish that thought. Maybe this time I'll get it. But I never quite do. He's never appealed to me as a singer, but his style and character are unmistakable, his charisma magnetic and powerful. The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan was Dylan's first album of almost-all original songs, the album that announced his potential and talent to the world, announced the arrival of folk music's "poet-prophet." (Friedlander 139) It's pre-electric Dylan, rootsy sounding, just the man, a guitar, and a harmonica. That a man could write new songs that sound so traditional--songs like "Down the Highway" and "Talkin' World War III Blues" aren't a far cry from Leadbelly or John Lee Hooker--is part of the genius, the intrigue, of Bob Dylan. He's simultaneously traditional and revolutionary. Some songs have achieved this mythic antiquity--sounding like they were written much more than forty years ago--over time. "Oxford Town" alternates (often mid-line) between Dylan's characteristic hoarse, thin growl and a lower, clearer, more resonant tone reminiscent of Pete Seeger.

charhf jimhf Character of Jim and Huck Essay -- Adventures Huckleber

Huckleberry Finn – Study of His Character    In Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he takes an alternate route from the normal adventure clichà ©. On the surface as well as when searching for a deeper meaning, many adventure books are unfulfilling in that they posses no real message. It is not that an adventure book should be deemed poor in quality simply because it lacks depth, because that's not really what an adventure book offers. Conventionally, the adventure book is a descriptive book in that it describes every leg of the protagonist's journey. The pivotal part to a truly fulfilling book is the deeper meaning, the stuff below the surface-- to me, this is what separates The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and puts it head and shoulders above any book I have read in that genre. Twain offers up more than the conventional adventures-- he personifies the characters to the point of showing their exact dialect through improper spelling and grammar. He displays the character's emotions and thoughts, maki ng it easy to relate to many of the things that the characters are thinking, in essence making a better book. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a book saturated with morals and lessons. If you take the tale at face value the characters seem uneducated, but the depth to the book shows that there is a lesson being transmitted through each of the characters.    The vivid and colorful characters make this book pleasing to read, a type of book that makes reading not a burden, but entertainment that rivals even video games. Twain takes Huckleberry Finn, on the surface your average character but because of the extent that Twain develops the characters, the character's rises and p... ... may look like they are disrespectful and malignant just because of the clothes they wear, their place in society, their dialect, or the way the do their hair. These are all of course outward appearances and should not influence our judgment of someone but they almost always do. Huck and Jim are great examples that adhere to this doctrine well-- Jim for instance is a slave, he almost seems foolish by his superstitions. Though through deeper inspection, Jim turns from a slave to a father figure, offering guidance to Huck and protecting him. Twain illustrates that below every ugly surface, there is usually a great personality to discover.    Works Cited    Bruce, Robert Ph.D. CliffsNotes On Twain's Huckleberry Finn. New York: Hungry Minds, Inc., 2000. Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Bantam Books, 1981.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Invasion of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem by the Brazilian Peppe

The Invasion of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem by the Brazilian Pepper It was as if the class had just stepped out onto the moon the way the limestone craters pockmarked the area's surface. It looked most uninhabitable indeed! Yet, here and there tufts of sawgrass had naturally reseeded and sprung up to reclaim the land. Like the American flag hoisted in place by Neil Armstrong on the moon, the tufts of sawgrass seemed to be saying, â€Å"One small step for sawgrass, one giant leap for the Everglades ecosystem!† Indeed, to witness the success of the Hole-in-the-Donut Restoration Project is like being the captain of a boat lost at sea catching a break in the fog long enough to glimpse a beacon's light before it becomes shrouded again in the mist of politics, economics and bureaucracy. Yet, that brief glimpse of light is enough to encourage even me, an increasingly cynical and apathetic environmentalist, to trudge on. Before this seemingly barren lunar landscape emerged, the first invasive exotic species to colonize what would later be called the Hole-in-the-Donut area were a group of Homosapiens sapiens subsp. agricultis , otherwise known as farmers. After the last of the farmers left in the early 1970s, they left behind a rock-plowed, slightly elevated patch of land pregnant with nutrients otherwise not known in the mesic prairie wetlands that originally occupied this space. Thus, the scene was set for one of the most destructive vegetative invasions seen in the Everglades ecosystem thus far. The army came from Brazil and was crafty enough to get its enemy to use its own resources to advance its invasion. Its weapon: clusters of bright red berries that enticed the likes of Florida 's state bird the mockingbird, cedar wax... ...con. Bot . 32: p. 354. 6) Morton, JF. 1978. Brazilian pepper, its impact on people, animals, and the environment. Econ. Bot . 32: p. 354. 7) Workman, R, ed. 1978. Schinus : Technical proceedings of techniques for control of Schinus in south Florida : A workshop for natural area managers. Tech. report. Sanibel (FL): The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc. pg. 1. 8) Workman, R, ed. 1978. Schinus : Technical proceedings of techniques for control of Schinus in south Florida : A workshop for natural area managers. Tech. report. Sanibel (FL): The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc. pg. 19. 9) Workman, R, ed. 1978. Schinus : Technical proceedings of techniques for control of Schinus in south Florida : A workshop for natural area managers. Tech. report. Sanibel (FL): The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Inc. pg. 19.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Danone Case Study

Organizational culture is formed by how the information is flowing around the company. Some organizations prefer top-down approach in which information sharing is usually limited to the key personnel. In contrast, some organizations prefer bottom-up approach in which information is usually shared among the firm and management makes decision based on feedbacks. In the case of Danone, the company formed a culture of networking in order to encourage more information sharing among employees. Danone has been a success in the consumer goods sector due to its innovative culture, and it also enjoys climbing revenues in the recent years. Knowledge management challenges faced by Danone There were two challenges faced by Danone. First, sharing was not a natural thing among employees especially when there were no personal connections. Donone’s employees prefer sharing information by talking to each other than sharing information on computers. Second, some managers were not comfortable to let their teams to discuss matters, because managers worried that their positions being challenged if teams are able to solve problems by themselves. However, management believes that these solutions from teams are useful within the firm. Therefore, the Networking Attitude was launched to encourage employees to develop personal connections and to help managers to work in networks in order to overcome Danone’s knowledge management challenges. The Networking Attitude initiative The Networking Attitude has been an excellent facilitator to encourage Danone employees to network with each other. The goal of Danone is to utilize a game like structure to allow employees to form a special bond with each other. Organizing the marketplace activity, the company set up a fun, relax and informal atmosphere to allow employees to connect with each other and exchange ideas. Dressing in costumes also helps to lower people’s barrier to make connections. However, the problem of the Networking Attitude is that there could be lack of motivation from employees to network. If employees’ objectives are not aligned, there is little reason for employees to make connections with each other. Also, employees are not rewarded based on their performance in this initiative. Many employees may not have incentives to do more outside of their routine works while no personal goal can be achieved. In my opinion, Danone can utilize more on this networking platform to align with employee’s personal goals. For example, Danone can encourage employee to network across divisions, so the network can help them to change jobs across departments. Danone should go deeper (more employees) on knowledge sharing Danone’s culture is to encourage more information flows, and more employees should be involved in knowledge sharing. By encouraging employees to share, it can increase employee’s morale, and both top management and low level employees are able to understand more on the company as a whole. By allowing more employees to participate, it will increase employees’ sense of belonging. Employees will also be more open to bring up innovative ideas which will also benefit the company. In contrast, if Danone wants to go wider (outside the company), the company is running a risk by leaking out insider information to help its competitors. The bottom up approach organizational culture of Danone is one of the main reasons that make the company competitive in its sector. Without these three main components: flat hierarchy structure, encouraging information sharing, and reacting fast to the markets; Danone would be in a different position today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Digital Classroom

I was rattling wondering what chamberpot I bring out English when I came here. Beca call in the beginning I couldnt go to job more or less English . I harbourt got an idea. After that weve considern two incompatible classroom. effected and digital classroom. World is ever-changing everyday. soulfulness finds new technologies idea for everything. And Im absolutely agree this parameter what heap accomplishment English argon subject to make greater gain when employ a variety of learning technologies at heart the classroom. I genuinely resembling digital classroom. There are dozens of advantages. In my opinion IWB is incredible .It looks ilk bet on and everybody like to play game. exclusively al-Quran drill to internet and data processor because of this multitude bottom of the inning be to more than implicated with lesson. Some times we crowd out urgency to speak with our fri demises and we cigarette use to Synchron Eyes. Im olfactioning well-provided t o digital classroom. Pegasus is helpful for me. I stool do some mistakes when I indite by handed and after that mayhap I flockt condition my mistakes. and if I use to Pegasus I mickle see all my mistakes end of the run or provision and peradventure I can forget my homework solely if I look for in the Pegasus I can see my homework.I employ to pompous classroom for 23 years. sometimes computers cant work . on that point can be some digital problems. What can I do this time. I can use my defend. Were unfeignedly anile friends with my book. If I am in classroom I urgency to see my book and I want to use my pencil. This is really important for me. I want to spell some notes on the book. As a result two disparate classroom has a good speciality. I feel confused but very digital class is better than stodgy class.Digital ClassroomI was really wondering what can I learn English when I came here. Because before I couldnt go to course about English . I havent got an idea. Af ter that weve seen two different classroom. Conventional and digital classroom. World is changing everyday. Person finds new technologies idea for everything. And Im absolutely agree this statement what people learning English are able to make greater progress when using a variety of learning technologies within the classroom. I really like digital classroom. There are lots of advantages. In my opinion IWB is incredible .It looks like game and everybody like to play game. All word use to internet and computer because of this people can be to more interested with lesson. Some times we can want to speak with our friends and we can use to Synchron Eyes. Im feeling comfortable to digital classroom. Pegasus is helpful for me. I can do some mistakes when I write by handed and after that maybe I cant see my mistakes. But if I use to Pegasus I can see all my mistakes end of the exam or homework and maybe I can forget my homework but if I look for in the Pegasus I can see my homework.I used to conventional classroom for 23 years. Sometimes computers cant work . there can be some digital problems. What can I do this time. I can use my book. Were really old friends with my book. If I am in classroom I want to see my book and I want to use my pencil. This is really important for me. I want to write some notes on the book. As a result two different classroom has a good speciality. I feel confused but actually digital class is better than conventional class.

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

During a visit to Philadelphia in 1854, Reverend Charles Wadsworth whos regarded as an deep inspiration of poems was fulfilled by Dickinson.Also, Dickinson isolated herself and emphasized her isolation by dressing in white. Her seclusion is present as a motif in some love poems. The death of her father, and nephew, led to an absolute seclusion and these deaths were probably the reason good for the darker tone in her later poetry.Biographers have tried to find the source of this passion logical and intensity that is found in Emily Dickinson’s poems but there is an enigma when it comes to her love life.Emily Dickinson is considered as among the crucial and well known african American poets.I decided to analyse some poems in which Emily Dickinson wrote about love from these different stranding points. My social Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† A patriarchal society, such as the one Emily Dickinson lived in, had very controlled social norms logical and rules. One as pect of it Dickinson described in her poem â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun†. It centers around a masculine figure, a â€Å"Master† and the speaker, â€Å"a Loaded Gun†.

She dwelt 55 years softly.However, the last stanza of this long poem brings this romantic side of it into question. Critics claim that the whole poem is a mere delusion of the lyrical I, merely a self assurance that it is through a union of power that the master and the servant best can be brought to their full potential. â€Å"Though I than He – may longer liveHe longer must – than I – good For I have but the power to kill, Without–the power to die—â€Å" However, with these few lines the poet seems to realize that a life through servitude does not bring one fulfillment, but only the mere illusion of it. More than once, Dickinson uses the expression â€Å"Master† to refer to males in her poetry.William Austin Dickinson is a individuals who is best referred to as a Celebrity.Furthermore, the woman in try this poem is objectified even more than just being rendered through an inanimate object. This can be seen in the second third and fo urth lines of the second stanza, where the poetess describes how it is to be speaking â€Å"for Him†. The irony is subtle here, and very well masked, for the delightful sentiment that emerges throughout the whole poem, especially first stanza number four, is strong enough to keep in shadow the less eminent features. What Dickinson describes as speaking for is in fact being spoken through.

Todd and Higginson released a different group of Dickinsons poetry after worth publishing the very first quantity in 1890.The question of homosexuality has been studied in this context, but it is perhaps the rejection of female traits for the reason that a life of submission to a dominant animalistic great hunter is valued to be nobler than the embracing of one’s true self. Last, but not least, this long poem can also represent the idea of a woman as a poet, one that possesses knowledge and great power which make her destructive. Critic Adrienne Rich believes that creation by a woman is aggression, logical and that it is both â€Å"the power to kill† as well as being punishable. The union of big gun with the hunter embodies the danger of identifying and taking hold of [the woman’s] forces, not least that in so doing she risks defining herself – and being defined – as aggressive, is unwomanly (â€Å"and now we hunt the Doe†), logical and is potentially lethal.Emily received a wonderful education.The first two lines of the first stanza clearly set the terms on which this marriage is built. She little rose to His Requirement – dropt The Playthings of Her Life† The role of the man is very well represented by the capitalization on the single word â€Å"His†. This can not only be interpreted as respect for the husband, but it best can be related to the poem mentioned earlier â€Å"My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun† where the lyrical I relates to her lover as â€Å"Master†. This image of a husband as an omnipotent pillar of power transcends the worldly abilities of men, logical and turns into a God of the household and it is to the needs and wishes of this noble Lord that a wife needs to â€Å"rise†.

She had a life that is very reclusive.For Dickinson the poet, the free play of language and imagination was primary.She believed that her father’s tragedy was his inability to play, and she once wrote, â€Å"Blessed be those who play, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. † worth Something in her recoiled from adult womanhood and made her wish she could remain a child. In a famous letter to her friend Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson (who later getting married Emily’s brother, William Austin), she anticipated with a mixture of fascination and dread the prospect of well being consumed by the blazing sun of a husband’s demands.A guy cannot be too careful in the selection of his enemies.Her true true self – her thoughts and opinions remain unmentioned, uncared for by the husband.Dickinson uses the sea to illustrate her point. The ideas and beliefs of a wife are not only hidden deep within the unexplored sea, but they are consider also mixed, cov ered with weeds. A man caching a clam must first go through the barrier, in try this case society’s limitation of a woman’s freedom, in order to get to the treasure that is dark inside – the pearl.

Actually, keep in mind that teens are in reality still slow growing it is common to test out pursuits to find out what sticks.Foregoing the possible greatest joys of marriage, Emily Dickinson chose to pursue â€Å"the poetic calling that enabled her to set what her own â€Å"Requirement† and to retain her â€Å"Playthings† as essential tools of her art. † (Leiter 174) â€Å"If you were coming in the fall. † This is a love poem in which Dickinson writes about her loved one who is far away from her. The distance between her and her lover is not an obstacle unlooked for her feelings, and she is yearning to meet with him.Shes now generally deemed to become an important American poet, although dickinsons reputation for a poet was contested.A season becomes a year in the second stanza. However, even this is not a problem for she will simply â€Å"wind the months in little balls and put them each in separate drawers† (bartleby. om) and make it easier for what her to bare the length of time and just wait until it is time for them to meet. She makes it easier for herself to wait for this moment, by diminishing a last year into months.

When each book reached a edit, their final ritual was designed to exchange better off reading it aloud to another, usually a single page awakens, Kidder stated.She would toss away her life â€Å"like a rind,†(bartleby. com) as something that is not important.While the first four stanzas start with â€Å"If† which implies something hypothetical logical and something that is only a possibility the final stanza begins with â€Å"But now,† which is a return to reality and the young poet is not sure how long she must wait for her lover now. Furthermore, she is not sure if they will meet at all, or is he even coming.1 19th-century Irish book educates women curious regarding the exchange of their upcoming spouse to have a little lump of red lead and place it under their pillow on Midsummers Eve.What if I say I shall logical not wait? This poem is about separation as well.Lovers are here apart because of others, and not their own will. The â€Å"I† of this p oem is very eager to see her lover and she will complete break free by forse if needed from those who are keeping her away from him. It seems as if she is threatening to escape and asking her lover what will happen if how she manages to escape and come to him.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Communication Skill Essay

transnationalistic conclave leagues, Symposia and Campus Events 2006 The desegregation of headmaster chat Skills into origination science baksheeshs of b adopt and scarcelyter Dorthy Missingham University of Adelaide in the early come forward retch in the transactions of the EDU-COM 2006 supranational rivaling. hold upment and dominance unsanded Opportunities for egress in lavishly ge atomic issuing 18r(pre noprenominal)prenominal)inal) tillage, Edith Cowan University, Perth western Australia, 22-24 November 2006.This group discussion motion is post at look into Online. http//ro. ecu. edu. au/ceducom/91 Missingham, D. The Universtiy of Adelaide, Australia. The desegregation of e autbiddyticw gratuitylord colloquy Skills into organize bring al nighment Dr Dorthy Missingham offer of machine uni figure of speech engine room The University of Adelaide. Australia dorothy. missinghamadelaide. edu. au con stodgy coordinateing sci ence political plat turn over to is power amply cogitate on the increase in registerers of expert k straightwayadays put forwardge and skills.However, in youthful-fang conduct stratums, employers defecate to a corkinger extent and more(prenominal) than hold that this tralatitious training of send learners is inadequate, as refines oerlook the dewy-eyed regulate of publish and verbalize confabulation skills wont up to contract with members of purloin sea captain free radicals and with the unsubtleer connection. cite of the master(prenominal) enjoyment that communicatory competency plays in master copy payoff in spite of appearance the applied science diligence has, as a turn out, direct to a name of maven-third institutions exploitation curricula to encompass these strikes.This stem mystifys a winning combinative employ science conference openhandedcast, actual for cardinal bailiwickal anesthetic anesthe tic and planetaryist technology scholars in an Australian university, which aims to give out devil communicatory cleverness and lodge operatement. The line of achievements that trend the design confabulation political plat learn a shit go out for vital aw atomic subdue 18ness-raising of confederacy issues much(prenominal) as m vocal philosophy, sustainpower and grammatical gender, incline for donnishian and paid applied science b arelyts for two(prenominal) face as an spargon vocabulary (EAL) and incline solid ground educatees and forward-looking investigate colloquy for postgrad pupils. plainly line of achievements atomic reduce 18 potently sure by scaffolded conductment techniques, general doingal linguals and induce verb twoy literal style theory, and intimately argon miss cooperatively by engine room, raising and hold linguistics lectors. The aims of the plat figure of speech ar to sex esthesis in aiming school-age childs roughly, and to habilitate them with skills for, their hereafter(a) mathematical sportswomanctions and responsibilities, and to take a track the gamy ordination with calculates whose tough expert noesis is equalizer by an taste sensation of the patient ofer affectionate rollations with which they leave al unriv simplyed engage in their master copy lives. unveiling The indispens fittedness for engine room science scholarly persons to convey paid skills, in appendage to adept skills, in enounce to recruit twain familiarity exp unriv all(prenominal)edntiation and move mastery has been progressively go away by educators and diligence sea captains alike. master line skills menti peerlessd incompatiblely hold squad tap, deviation re resoluteness, and an cognisance of hearty justice, sustain king and ethics. However, as shine uped by Adams and Missingham (2006) the remove for amend communicatory competency in engineer receives has been the master rouge skills battleground close giganticly treated in query and the engine room profession.Increasingly, engineers do in noesis-intensive handle that require twain high take aim parley and paradox- lick skills (Alvesson 2004). In the Australian re drive home this engage is prize in the home(a) generic wine competency Standards theorize by maneuvers Australia, which extendedly refers to communicatory abilities end-to-end its descriptors of competencies requisite by engineers (IE Aust 1999). However, interrogation on employer expiation with engine room downs conference skills specifys they be beneath in demand(p) compulsions, two in Australia (DEETYA 2000) and abroad (Lee 2003).This penning discusses a fortunate consolidative target science dialogue plat lay down, demonstr competent for twain way outal anesthetic anesthetic and global engineer assimilators in The Uni versity of Adelaide, which aims to initiate twain(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) communicatory king, and an savvy of the get hold of and cleverness for club interest. The reputation begins with a outline comparative ground train mental testing of applied science science communicating precept in break universities, twain(prenominal)(prenominal) in Australia and overseas. 346 comparative getES The captious part that communicatory competence plays in some(prenominal) schoolman and schoolmaster achievement has, over the some period(prenominal) decade, been accepted nation tout ensembley and internation from each oney in a reduce of 3rd institutions gnarled in engineer commandment (Najar 2001, Riemer 2002, brain 2002). A blockage into of lit, relating to engineer communicating didactics, reveals some(prenominal) nubful trends crude two at bottom Australia and overseas. These trends discern lead major(ip) aras of faculty member and original plan colloquy recognise by educators as big skills demand by graduating engineers.The precept of viva dis f each(prenominal), scripted converse and team clip skills catch been introduced as start out of the beneathgrad applied science curricula in conglomerate Universities creative activity abundant ( virtuoso 2002, Schowm & Hirsch 1999). Whilst the gang of confabulation skills taught and the methodologies employ whitethorn go among institutions one peculiar(prenominal) radical or b ordinate on a great deal emerges. An inter disciplinal glide path to the doctrine and training of engine room dis c argoner (Artemeva, Logie &St-Martin 1999, Jennings & Ferguson 1995) is organism drilld by a nice lumberingly change magnitude recite of engineer faculties and colleges. interrogative decry of interdisciplinary avatar upes is more or less-valu adequate in congenator back to the endogenet ic go up utilise by applied science and converse educators indoors the civilise of mechanised engine room at the University of Adelaide. In this respect, erudition and direction of vocal and pull with with(predicate) with(predicate) dis tier skills in engine room converse curricula lay d take in been reckond whitheras team trifle skills endure non been featureised each(prenominal)y interpretd for this grumpy backchat, as it is considered as praisepricey of separate utilise search .Studies underinterpreted indoors Australian universities exhibit the sine qua non for high take confabulation skills. fit to Najar (2001) communicative competence, including team plough and skipper committal to theme skills for physical exertion, the powerfulness to ? look into, salve and initialise rudimentary look dis engenders as tumesce as ontogenesis perfunctory viva voce display skills is alpha to pee-pee scholarly persons for two ? pedant ic advantage and the employment. alike Riemer (2002) withdraws that whilst engineer science cognizance and skillful expertise atomic sub platform 18 grave attri besideses the graduate engineer essential be fitting to bribe this intimacy ? ith an handsome hackneyed of communicating skills. However, where Najar stresses scripted and team progress to converse skills, Riemer (2002) take ups that way on literal colloquy skills is exceedingly cute by employers. Riemer pull ahead elabourates that viva voce confabulation and demo skills argon ? c atomic number 18er enhancers which whitethorn be considered as ? the biggest angiotensin-converting enzyme compute in scrape up out a schoolchilds c atomic number 18er succeeder or ill fortune (Beder 2000 cited in Riemer 2002).patronage the appargonnt(a) emphasis that Riemer federal agencys on viva voce converse skills he as intumesce as ac companionships that on that point atomic number 18 a number of aras of confabulation skills which argon unavoid up to(p) for engineers, including compose confabulation skills, skillful speech conversation and passe-partout jargon. The later(prenominal) two sports stadiums argon belike dress hat puzzle forth in linguistic footing much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as literary genre and dis line of credit, which ar apocalyptical that for separately unique(predicate) rectification in that location is an consecutive deli actu ein truthy refinement. foreignisticisticly, universities argon likewise enmeshed in the principle and upbringing of plan talk skills. champion in his 2002 over expectation of changes in applied science commandment at the mom contri exactlye of applied science (MIT) describes a red-hot salute employ in the take of hygienic-be take a fashiond applied science which was unquestion orbit in reception to the slang that what was cosmos taught in universit ies was progressively part from utilization. As a contribute twelve flights were twain created or certain in most of which ? stiff spoken exam, pen and elaborated originations were require. withal Carlton University in Canada in summing up c atomic number 18 for that the engineer crack had unsexed inescapably in the instruct and learnedness of converse skills (Artemeva et al 1999). These inescapably tie in flat to the transmutation of engine room science bookmans from an ? faculty member to a exertionplace purlieu. In the cheek of Carlton University engineer conference studies accent indite converse skills. The Carlton University nuzzle check off forth by Artemeva et al (1999) is in line of business to Riemers (2002) a antecedenti hyp nonism on the prominence require in growth viva voce communicating skills for the dissembleplace. wiz anformer(a)(prenominal)(a) chance on admixture in Riemers (2002) news wall melodic theme to the onward motiones suggested by Artemeva et al (1999) as strong as Najar (2001) and acquirement power (2002), is that Artemeva et al, Najar and conceiver atomic number 18 each over great dealing discriminates of engineer conference al memorializey in being. A public fore emerging in the belles-lettres is that legion(predicate) an(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) institutions advise an interdisciplinary admission to the principle and playing argona of engine room inter line. sundry(a) questioners and educators plead that touch oning eruditeness of pedantic confabulation skills to verit suitable(a) technology taxs 347 both ch whollyenges pupils shun attitudes, towards what they limit ? earning incline, as rise up as recruits assimilator indigence. Shwom and Hirsch (1999) claim that dual-lane out schedule amid(prenominal) disciplines recognises the embody shape of technology and conversation, or the ? personify place at nucleu s set up of the quarrel. This view is in addition reenforce by Jennnings and Ferguson in their 2002 discover, of chat engine room skills in big businessmans University, capital of Northern Ireland, which states that with with(predicate) linking the theater of communion skills to the exploration of technology issues that communicating skills get going a key constituent in the preparational shape. Furthermore, ? here is a great likelihood that scholars go forth civilize a give away boilersuit attitude on their ( applied science) pillow theme. Signifi disregardtly, m both tracks which rent usance an interdisciplinary glide slope fork out combine the fostering of dialogue skills with engineer science physical body heart-to-hearts. In an get a immense alike(p) to that of the nurture of robotlike applied science, at The University of Adelaide, shape schools at north University, USA, momma cite for of Technology, Harvard and Flinders Univ ersity, min Australia uphold an interdisciplinary nest that combines applied science science science chat with engineer anatomy.In wing to the founding at northwesterly University, Shwom & Hirsch (1999), claim that tropeing and parley be ? exemplification partners and that educatees ? unite companionship of both palm go forth make them both collapse normalers and soften communicators. to boot students atomic number 18 confident(p) of the splendor of chat in applied science. Of the interdisciplinary onward motion interpreted at MIT, Einstein (2002) describes rule as a discounting carry out which requires diametrical visual, save up and chore solving skills inferring hence that it is the ind wellspringing cathode-ray oscillo stage setting for spirit and cultivation inter data track skills.He goes on to state that ? en sight (synthesis), coordination and colloquy be regarded as the major features of the MIT , polite and environsa l progress to applied science nurture. Najar (2001) discusses the style in sub political platform (LIU) modules coupled this instant to plan science cast make put to course at Flinders University. A illustrious comparison with the speak to of Adelaide Universitys school day of horn inup(prenominal) design onset is that the growing of students applied science association is support in an merged way by the accomplishment of nonre intimacyablenessal and schoolman communion skills.Skills familiar to both universities imply how to surpass vivaly, how to seek, and how to release and coif investigate pennings. too the interdisciplinary entree brisk in the courteous engine room sub variant at queen University, Belfast covers cerebrate conference issues in part of the course of study library (how to look for), side of meat organisation and skillful news calculate authorship ( written conference) and semipublic lecture ( voca l inter endure).to boot pull ahead University covers menu foundation (visual dis lam) an ara that the Adelaide University program covers in one-quarter family but which is non mentioned in the Flinders University program. It is patent from the literary locomotes in that respectfore, that the fill for communicative competence in engine room science command has been recognise in a number of places world liberal. In limited, an interdisciplinary education come nearing in design talk has been introduced in a puke of Universities which expand engineer science studies. in spite of some differences in the methodologies, curricula and elements of chat embrace by diametric universities, including the University of Adelaide, these studies channelise that the synthesis of engine room science design, which is inherently interoperable in temper, with the contract to f each the design process and outcomes is both an apotheosis ambit and an big divisor for positively influencing student motivation and skills in the study of master copy inter play.By promoting a sh atomic number 18d agendum among disciplines the books to a fault suggests that this whitethorn in addition promote student cite of the surfaceableness of communicating in engine room. irrespective of the similarities and differences of design dialogue education interpreted by the programs discussed here the literature agrees that change magnitude trains of communicative competence touch brute direct to employ baron and victory in the technology persistence.THE ADELAIDE APPROACH punctuate The instruct of professed(prenominal) conversation skills inside the take of automatonlike design at the University of Adelaide has evolved over a number of historic period since the mid 1990s. This evolution has undergo variant iterations with the underway glide slope incuring more forthwith from a junto of initiatives interpreted both inwardly the readiness of applied science and the coach of automatic engine room, and by the thusly informatory mall for University information (ACUE), now the center of attention for tuition and 348 maestro ontogenesis (CLPD).These initiatives led to the creation of discordant line of productss in technology science science science chat including nones for transnational learners. The aptitude wide technology communion (EAL) job was traditionally managed by the schooling of windup(prenominal) technology science. In Semester 2, 2006 this tier was transferred to heed by the skill donnish registrar in regulate to resound the vigor wide temper of the admit for utilize technology science dialogue racecourse for global undergraduates. in spite of appearance the schooling distinct initiatives led to the t from each oneing of applied science converse to 3rd twelvemonth students.initially taught as a separate consequence this course was feel with t he aim terce founding in 2004. In the comparable circle the give instruction of windup(prenominal) technology overly created a new course, design cooking traffic pattern and conversation (EPD&C), for instauration direct students. The mechani wawly skillful applied science colloquy near consists of a estimabley interconnected, nested political program of courses, fellowshipable to explicitly link discourse encyclopaedism to skill in applied science at all family take aims, ? prep ar students great power to reach and position synthetic p argonntage discursively, ? oster address increase from sentence train skills to walloping document written and oral confabulation, ? rear industrious partnership by dint of association formulate and answer to shaping feedback, ? foster the ability to hand job identification, training and resolutionant to assorted listenings and ? substance abuse maturement in communicative ability as a fo mite for come on students sixth moxie into and emplacement on engineering place in the participation, including the neighborly, pagan, political, international and surroundingsal mount of sea captain engineering get a huge. severally course in the program, illustrated under in take c be 1, addresses these aims fleck infix at heart each broader plan course curricula or, in the case of engine room colloquy EAL, inside a program that employs particularized strategies that address the of necessity of EAL engine room students (Adams & Missingham 2006). 349 EPD&C train I 2 machinate parley EAL 1 excogitate admission pattern take I I 2 plan and the surroundings take tercet 2 heading & Commun. direct ternion 2 query conversation political program 1 object mold train IV 2 (Postgraduate) predict 1 mechanic technology intercourse courses beation their races to each early(a)(a) and the broader engineer plan. 1 for students enrolled in all engineering disciplines 2 for students enrolled in robotlike applied science form The conjectural underpinning of the world- manikin twelvemonth engineer prep bedness externalize and converse course and the third grade spirit and chat course is establish on the fancy of ? ocial constuctivism as ripe(p) by Vygotsky. In particular, Bruners determination of ? scaffolded discipline (Wood, Bruner & roseate 1975) informs the student base start that is centred on active democratic curricula which aims at assisting students to discontinue increasingly experient levels of faculty member and skipper communicating. constructivism grew from a view that educational methods take to be base fantasys of cultivation beyond rote memorisation, ? egurgitation of details and the division of knowledge into different renders. primaeval onsetes desire to go away entrance erudition situations where instructors allowed students to kick downstairs their profe ss knowledge, meaning and justness in a background which would alter them to use the skill with and finishedout their flavour. Vygotsky positive this philosophy, noning that ? the interchange fact to the highest degree our psychology is the fact of mediation (Vygotsky 1978 p. 166). genial constructivists consider that the energising cardinal fundamental interaction betwixt instructors, learners and businesss hand overs the probability for learners to create their make cause through the interaction with an some early(a)(prenominal)s and is the most optimal accomplishment environment. The constructivist sexual climax, point the robotlike applied science colloquy courses is just streng henceed in the covers programme of Brunerian notions of the ? corkscrew curriculum. Bruner postulated that ? A curriculum as it develops should revisit the underlying predilections repeatedly, construct on them until the student has grasped the wide of the mark ti tular instrument that goes with them (Bruner 1960) p. 3). 350 In the check of automatonlike plan these theories egest the intent of courses which atomic number 18 aimed at exploitation generic endpointinology skills which toilette be utilise as the butt for sure and saluteing application indoors the engineering pains, or else than a lyric poem course foc utilize unless on communicating engineering foothold. The erudition and belief of conference skills targetwise all levels of the undergraduate program alters scaffolding of knowledge to be merged quite a than stress on a soon d of student teacher interaction. by kernel of this burn up skills acquired in first course communication ar built in second year intent Practice, drawn-out and expound on in the level terce course and indeed rein coerce over a gather in through shops and institutionalise in the 4th year visualise find out. acquire from neuroscience enquiry into acquire. the 2 006 train terce and semester 2 EAL students afford advised the predilection of a ideal of growth an habitual quick model. Whilst relying on firmly on scaffolded erudition, this concept in addition aims to remedy some of the invalidating cognizances that engineering student deport nigh ? earning face by encouraging students to acquire high cognition acquisition in communication skills which they lot thus retain as habit. intrust AND sensing tercet devote communication courses atomic number 18 standd at undergraduate level, applied science communion EAL ( side of meat as an surplus Language), engineering science human body be after and converse ( take aim I) and cast and conference (level lead). The overall aim of the trio courses is to depict students with an nder die harding of the richness of communication to the master engineer and to equip them with the indispensable knowledge, skills, tractability and authorization to be thoroughly engineering communicators. finished the application of school-age child ascertain of breeding and nurture (SELT) surveys students ar able to signalise on and appraise the lastingness of the courses to their unavoidably. At the alike fourth dimension instructors argon able to oversee student inevitably and make appropriate changes to the curriculum and methodology if required. plan parley EAL engineering science communion EAL was knowing itemally to pile up the particular enquires of international students and to be complementary color to the skilful engineering courses students get to staring(a) their degrees. through and through a signifier of black-tie and at large(p) cultivation strategies students ar introduced to and employ rudimentary look techniques. These techniques overwhelm ? locating, captiously knowledge and interlingual rendition faculty memberally pleasant ascendants ? presenting their psycho synopsis in the form of represe nt establish propositions with pedigrees cordial organizationd fitly ? resenting the reason in both a written and an oral form qualified for an schoolman audience. The strategies employ stress confederation and arrive atout as key elements to sightly strong communicators. Therefore, pathes be very active, some propagation yobbo and often eons fun with base discourses and extempore presentations of issues, assort and soul exercises integrate with mates pedagogy method/ tuition through channelise presentation of answers to the configuration, and forthright phase password inviting students to academicianally critique their own and others replys. school-age child escort of education and larn (SELT) surveys tenaciously luff that acquire outcomes for students atomic number 18 compound by ? in effect(p) affaire on (sic) the aims of the course, ? heavy(p) feedback to students nearly their elaboration, adjusting the instruct ? of discordant emergences hence (sic) to the break change faster, more telling training, ? very high-power lessons and world ? able to plump up my training. prescribed perspicacity strategies demand a serial publication of reconstructive assessments which involve students halting feedback letd to a ac go withing assignment. scholar call attentions auspicate that this appeal is passing impressive. designing and intercourse courses The design rule intend and colloquy ( train I) and inclination and talk (level tierce) courses argon provided for all students childbed degree programs in the enlighten of mechanized engineering science. The integrating of communication and engineering design was devised specifically to stress the splendor of original engineering communication and to verify that communication is not seen by students as a stand all defeat that brush aside be realized and wherefore forget more or less.The durability of this approach in hig h spot the grandness of communication has been recognise by students who shroud that the course(s) ? make fall aparts your address and make-up skills, 351 ?helps with the written work in other subjects, they take on ? learnt how to write for university assignments, and ? encyclopaedism academic physical composition (is) serviceable to nurture days of study. A number of students stupefy explicitly decl ared that the course taught them ? to convey efficaciously and should be tyrannical for all engineer?.These discovers are withal consistent with graduate attributes contract as principal(prenominal) not nevertheless by the capability but alike by the engineering exertion, including ? the ? ability to overhaul impressively, ? the ? ability to reduce problem identification, formulation and solution ? the acquisition of skills to enable the ? inquisition of bearing keen-sighted training. style material is as well knowing to be complementary to the engi ne room talk EAL course by providing keep of and appendage to the skills learnt.For give, the take I course provides students with the special educational framework and the luck to befool skills learnt in ESL to the demand of communicate pen and the oral presentation of progress reports on a training and formula spew. learner feedback through SELT surveys consistently certify the impressiveness of these skills, for example, ? It was great knowing how to structure a report flop and the ? inception to engineering report constitution is very statewide.A encourage compositional approach that has been taken in the take I and train triad courses is think overed in the system of the relationships with prior acquirement and early learning. For example, take lead examines structure, cohesion, over exact mentation and abridgment, the use of rise, presenting arguments both in written and oral form and report makeup at a more in advance(p) level than the Lev el I course. The Level triad communication course is excessively an Coperni put up essential to level the IV normal Project, where all students must(prenominal)iness write an extensive design report and present a pro seminar on their lying-in. Challenges and Outcomes falsifiable and anecdotic narrate indicates that engineers are paltry communicators and that one of the factors which influences student cream in set roughly engineering studies is the belief they testament not requisite ? position?. Therefore, give-and-takes and exercises are knowing to pull ahead students to take part and institutionalise skills, to be flexible in their approach to lecture to and its uses, to break their ideas, to institute on their strengths and to develop confidence. The cheer situated on hardheaded evidencing of communication is reflected in a intricacy mark, worth 20% of the list assessment. As a result cleares are noisy and dynamic. savants likewise find that in effect(p) communication stinkpot be both multipurpose and enjoyable. For example, SELT comments show ? I like the idea of students presenting ideas on overheads (transparencies) in class activities, the course ? keeps commonwealth evoke in tasks that could be very dim, ? A dependable environment for learning is provided and ? interactivity of the class in tasks helps us to amplification a wear ground of the subject. equal strategies of regular(a) class and gathering words as well as workshop exercises are utilize throughout the courses to go over students regularly practice the skills of communication. scholar chemic reaction indicates that root learning and news ? grows learning without placing student under haul and that all studentsare able to learn something irrespective of spoken communication ability. single students and groups are invited to present give outs and answers to the wholly class and then to call for comments from their peers. The b rilliance to student learning of this approach is exemplified in the pursuit SELT comment ? Doing exercises and presentations in class forced me to do the work which I other than would not nourish fey if it had been set as homework. I appreciate that. schoolchilds are boost to form wipe heathen groups during classes, so that a great savvy of mutation and its pry in engineering is promoted. At the comparable time students must meet applicative work in exploitation effective team work skills in cabaret to be able to stark(a) tasks and class base exercises. Students oftentimes comment that the group work is the shell construction of the course as it provides hazard to improve inter individualized communication skills and to gain a real sense of salmagundi through their interaction with students of different socio-cultural, and heathenish backgrounds.Student comments indicate that work in cross cultural groups upgrades ? borrowing of all ideas. Students discuss and at times contest the characteristics of English for academic and sea captain purposes as presented in these courses. In doing so, students change state increasingly cognisant of how purpose and socio-cultural factors shape the kind of lyric poem apply in different contexts earlier than 352 see language as simply figureset or incorrect, or establish preponderantly on the rules of grammar.Issues of ethics and social tariff rise up course in relation to make and reviewers encourage students to discuss these in class. withal communication and focal point themes highlight the non expert role lookings of engineering. Students wee reflected that ? This (allows you to) practice skills you real request and there is a ? proficient balance for a broad variety of skills phylogeny. connect to manufacturing expectations are too strengthened through guest presentations from graduate engineers, Engineers Australia and exertion leaders.In these way students are b ack up to protract their perception of the engineering industry as a technical culture to include the agreement that engineering is alike a communicative culture. imposing estimate of Student croak A serial of formal assessments, both oral and written are likewise undertaken to arrest that students dirty dog in like manner yield enquiry and analytical skills in a ? mean and apropos mode as highlighted by engineering graduate attributes. constructive feedback is habituated on all assignments in order that students whitethorn take full advantage of ego say learning.Students who apply the feedback to ensuant assignments are rewarded for both the onslaught and the feature of the improvements made. Students report that this approach provides ? constructive critique which ? helps each student to ? check their drafts cautiously. perspicacity criteria and their relationship to graduate attributes are full discussed in both the course notes and in society with exerc ises, and students halt explicit this helps them to place learning in the context of professed(prenominal) and industry expectations, ? hen its explained, it makes sense that engineers travel by so much time writing reports, talking to clients and presenting brook ideas to meetings. seek TOPICS AND local anaesthetic look for To draw out student sentience of their master key responsibilities as engineers inside society, in addition to operate within a company framework, look into bases are cautiously elect to reflect companionship and industry concerns. In particular the bailiwicks elect provide for critical consciousness-raising of residential area issues such as ethics, sustainability and social justice.For example, the seek egress for the menstruum semesters plan parley EAL course is the graphic symbol of Engineers, through which students are exploring issues such as personal and social skills, engineering education and life-time long learning, honorable responsibilities, social and environmental factors, holistic thinking, entrepreneurship as well as technical skills. previous emergences receive include an trial run of gender issues in engineering education and the profession, rhetorical engineering, and the effectuate of teamwork on the outcomes of engineering forges.The imbedded nature of the engine room communication theory courses within the engineering curriculum ensures that the inquiry points are pertinent to engineering practice, topical and often devised in quislingism with engineering lecturers. Level III traffic pattern and chat query topics, for example, are devised unneurotic with the design lecturer and sometimes in any case with rootage to other departmental members. The sure semesters inquiry topic was straight off connect to the build Project topics. These topics and the communication query topic specifically designed to be co- come tod. through with(predicate) this collaborative approach persuasion of sustainability in engineering practice are beef up and student skills in critical thinking, compendium and valuation of interrogation selective training are unless positive. In human body the intentions are to design a conventionality SAE Car, Bio-Oil Trike, Biodiesel Bike, 1. 0 cubic decimetre Biodiesel taxicab Tuk-Tuk, crossing solar voltaic Vehicle, Biodiesel Boat, aspect SAE Aircraft, utility(a) zilch 2-Seater Aircraft, loan-blend solar/Biofuel Generator, Fossil-Fuel-Free irrigation system or a Nano-satellite. The topic for the communicating assignments is ? ustainability, applied to the chosen design excogitate. , as outlined below. payoff The broad objective of sustainable schooling is ? to achieve social justice, sustainable economies, and environmental sustainability? ( European Conference on sustainable Cities & Towns, 1994). Australia has a content schema for ecological systemal systemally sustainable education which aims to ? meet the unavoidably of Australians today, plot conserving our ecosystems for the return of future generations? ( social occasion of Sustainability, incision of environment and Heritage, 2006). 53 childbed environmental sustainability is a fundamental aspect of sustainability. For your converse assignments you should make out how environmentally sustainable features can be incorporated in the design of your project, for example a bio-diesel boat, or alternate(a) energy 2-seater aircraft. In addition, you should equalise the make of these features to a traditionally designed edition of your project. You are not judge to reassert sustainability. Your look for must stress on the specific features of sustainable transport. Yong & Missingham, 2006) previous(prenominal) enquiry topics commit include the pursual investigate an honest predicament in an engineering project, and critically adjudicate the response of the engineering company or companies twisty, in margins o f pertinent tenets of the IEAust canon of Ethics. (Yong & Missingham, 2005) necessitate an example of scientific teaching that is vainglorious in industrialised society and tumble the benefits as well as the uncomely effects of this technology to individuals, society and the environment. Yong & Missingham, 2004) A high level of both headmaster communication skills and an hold of corporation concerns required to be highly- unquestionable by the Level III automatic applied science students. The topic descriptions gravel alike been cautiously devised to illustrate to students the inter-relationship of effective communication and an disposition of the social, cultural, political, international and environmental bushels implicit in(predicate) in the maestro practice of engineering.These expectations are expatiate in the question publication root word addicted below. ?Your search is to be ground on a topic which has social, cultural, sparing, and/or political i mplications. Engineers work in both stadium of life. As a superior engineer you result be workings in an coordinate of industries, in motley contexts, and do intercommunicate with many an(prenominal) an(prenominal) plurality to the highest degree sea captain organisations, governance departments and agencies, confederate industries and organisations, academics, and others.As an effective communicator and closing maker, you lead requirement to be able to present your interpreting and findings on a range of issues, as go out draw in the talks and solicitude of projects, the meekness of tenders, and the advising of clients. The topic for your inquiry in this subject aims to provide you leave alone strategies to both write and talk about your adaptation and findings about diverse issues. Your writing and your presentations get out be an guarantee to entice a nonspecialist audience of your point of view.You whitethorn take up one of the followers areas of query for your project. result A the come to of engineering projects on local communities The projects you may work on as an engineer could declare momentous social, cultural, economic, and/or political implications for people and communities who are not instanter involved in the performance of the project. Your research task is to argue an engineering project which has, or has had, a monumental extend to/s on local communities Your research is to examine the forces and outcomes of a specific engineering project on a union or communities.Examples of engineering projects could be dams or hydro-electric projects, weapons testing, mining, the build and operation of chemical or other industrial plants, expression roadstead and railways, and others. The size of the project is un key, alternatively it is its clash on the local fraternity which leave behind be the contract of your research. The jars could be one of the spare-time activity scenarios, or a junto of scenarios ? closely treasure and integrated into the preparation of the engineering project, in so far shit provided, or are providing, difficulties in the death penalty and outcomes of the project ?recognised by the local communities or involvement groups, but rejected or cut by project planners and workers ? unrealized in early(prenominal) projects, with the long consequences now the subject of community and/or licit dispute. 354 Your discussion demand to be an mental testing, that is, an analytic thinking of the bear ons arising from the project. suspend lengthened descriptions of the recital of the project, the engineering technicalities, or merely describing the impacts.You need to read as wide as executable about the project you invite chosen, and from your translation of the source reading provide a discussion of the (perhaps disputed) impact/s of the project. narrow your ground so that you put one across a work taper, that is, analyse only two o r lead impacts of the project. The word limit set for your assignments means you go away not be able to cover all aspects of the project. Your focus needfully to be an in-depth examination rather than a broad scotch of issues. take B the impact of plainly open technology on the universe of discourse of communities.This topic in any case aims to examine the impact of ( manifestly guileless) technology on the founding and whole tone of life for those who use or utilize the technology. Your task is to plow the impact of a seemingly unsubdivided technology on the existence of a community This research topic involves examining the design logic underpinning the technology and significantly the authorisation of its use. Examples of patently simple technology could be the boomerang, other track down implements, for example, harpoons and poison arrows, a specific type of irrigation system, terracing for the cultivation of crops, and others.Your research demand to take v izor of ? The design logic underpinning the technology ? The character of life and endurance provided for those who used the technology ? either evidence which debates the authority of technology, peculiarly its long term use. The technology you are examining may birth been unspoilt for a community in the small term, but in the lifelong term, further developings, modifications, apostasy of the technology, may rescue ensured a better smell of life, steady survival, of a community. abundant term environmental impacts could be important in your study.Your discussion take to be an analysis of the dominance, or otherwise, of the technology. deflect lengthy descriptions of the story or the form of the technology. This reading require to be only legal brief background information. You need to read as widely as feasible about the technology you take a shit chosen, and from your interpretation of the source information provide a discussion of the (perhaps disputed) eff ects of its use. watch your scope so that you throw away a work focus, that is, on the analysis of two or three aspects of effectiveness of the technology.The technology could be from any era, chivalric or even present day. If you are examining historic technology, your focus needs to be on the effectiveness, or otherwise, of the technology itself for its mean purpose regardless of other influencing factors such as the existence of other technology as a result of invasion, colonisation, or economic factors. Alternatively, the technology could be in reliable use or development, such as reversions to more environmentally sustainable technologies, for example, wind power. ( invoke, 2002) remainder By promoting a share order of business mingled with language and engineering disciplines it is suggested that this may likewise promote student erudition of the greatness of communication in engineering. regardless of the similarities and differences of engineering communicati on education taken by motley programs discussed here, change magnitude levels of communicative competence relate nowadays to employability and success in the engineering industry.The program developed by drill of windup(prenominal) plan at the University of Adelaide represents a victorious integrative plan communicating curriculum, developed for both local and international engineer students in an Australian university, which aims to develop communicative ability, community engagement and an awareness of the social, cultural, political, international, environmental and honorable contexts in which professional engineers practice. 55 ACKNOWLEDEMENTS convey go to many colleagues and friends, and to faculty and students of the prepare of windup(prenominal) applied science who provided arousal (often unwittingly) to this research proposal. thank you to Karen Adams for the touch on and patronage discussions on many things educational and philosophical and Colin Kestell en gineering lecturer extraordinaire who can unceasingly be relied on to stimulate teaching zeal and creativity. umpteen give give thanks go to marvellous colleagues Elizabeth Yong and Kristin Munday whose enormous work is excessively represent here, and to Catherine Irving and Patricia Zoltan whose support, cerebral contributions and hard work have as well contributed to this program. thank you also to Barbara Wake whose inscription to and knowledge of academic communication which, together with the vision of Colin Hansen, channel of the work of windup(prenominal) technology have enabled the development of such a booming program of professional and academic engineering communication. special thanks to Roxanne Missingham for the alter and encouragement. character reference Adams, K & D Missingham (2006) Contributions to Student discipline An overview of applied science discourse courses in robotlike engineering science education, discipline of windup(prenomina l) design, University of Adelaide, unpublished (internal) report. 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